Monday, November 12, 2007

A Room of One's Own

Virginia Woolf was right, of course. It makes a huge difference to have a space to yourself, whether it's physical or just emotional. Taking the time to step back and THINK quietly for a few minutes every now and then is probably the one tool I use that does most to maintain what's left of my sanity. I grew up as an only child, and so I'm used to being able to solitude if I want it, and it's harder and harder to find these days. I think that's why I'm always drawn to creative work, because so much of it is solitary and focused just on the moment.

But the actual room - not just the mental "room" - is pretty important, too. In that spirit, I've promised myself that I'll get my little workspace into good order this week, and to offer some incentive I'm peeking inside the workshops of other artists. To begin - printmaker and Etsy seller Marissa Lee has this great little space - organized and calm. I love the way the photo feels.

Aren't the pink walls fabulous? And the work that comes out of this space is pretty great, too. Check out Marissa's shop!

Now, off to finish some work in my space so I can show you a photo that won't make us all cringe! Happy Monday.

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