Thursday, November 8, 2007

And Now for Something Completely Different...

I love it when someone finds a fun, quirky twist on the ordinary. Etsy seller mandinka has done exactly that with these fabulous bags made from men's suit coats.

I love this concept. Not only are the bags a gorgeous mix of color and texture, but incorporating the labels and buttons is, I think, a stroke of genius. It's like a little wink - an acknowledgment of the original purpose of the fabric, and of the style elements that went into the suits, and a really creative way to see something ordinary in a completely new light. Just fun.

I'm putting one of these on my Christmas wish list. Which is getting longer by the moment. Sadly, my list of gifts already purchased for others does not compare in length, probably indicating that I'm greedy and selfish, but really, it's all in the realm of the theoretical. It's not as if I'm spending money that should go to gifts for others on myself; I'm just spending time and thought on myself instead of shopping for everyone else. And I'll get to that in due time, I promise.

And, in that spirit, a little shout out to my mailing list subscribers: look for an announcement today that can give you the best of both worlds - some savings on gifts for other people and a little extra for yourself! If you want to get in on the secret, email me and I'll add you to as a subscriber...

1 comment:

Sugarloaf said...

That is such a cool piece! I'm off to check out her shop!