Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Different Kind of Room

As I sat last night and thought about more workspace images to share, I found myself drawn more and more to the thoughts I had yesterday about a workspace being an intellectual or emotional space. And the One Laptop Per Child project provides just that. This isn't an artisan project, per se, but there's plenty of creativity and great design in both the concept and the execution here.

I love everything about this program. I love the fact that the laptops run on Linux. I love the fact that there's a solar energy panel. And the idea that this project will make new kinds of education available to children who have so little...well, it really seems to good to be true. I hope the program works as well as it sounds like it will. My big concern for now has to do with the way the laptops will be distributed once they reach the target countries (for the donor program, those are Afghanistan, Cambodia, Haiti and Rwanda). I have my fingers crossed that the organizations distributing them to kids will hang in there and make this all come together.

What a great way to empower kids.

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