Friday, October 26, 2007

New Feature Coming Soon!

Happy Friday, all!

I'm working on a collection for a feature I'm going to be starting this Monday - a Design Theme of the Week. I'll introduce the theme on Mondays, and then will feature an item from an indie artisan each day that embodies it. I've got some ideas brewing already - colors, foods (of course), cultures, news stories - it should be fun. I'm looking forward to sharing some of my favorite artisans.

For today, though, a little plug for my Etsy shop. The moon has been absolutely breathaking for the past couple of days (and with these obscenely late World Series games, I've had plenty of time to look at it). It's a classic spooky Halloween full moon, often surrounded by clouds swirling by. And at midnight last night, it was fabulous.

My Lunar Surface Earrings are out there, a nice way to think of the moon even if you go to bed at a decent hour.

Enjoy this gorgeous fall weekend - and do get out and have a look at the moon.

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