I have my cards from
the fabulous people at MOO and I couldn't be happier with them. Funky little things, these. I'm planning to use them as promos at my upcoming show in November - I'll have a basket of MOO cards on my table, each with a little surprise discount on the back ($5 off purchase, or free extras, for example), and I'll invite browsers to pick a card and apply it to a purchase right then and there. Here's a shot of my cards:

Now, the recipes. My
Epicurean Collection jewelry has been quite popular (people must be hungry!), and I'm having a lot of fun with it. From now on, I'll be including a recipe with each piece from the collection. Here's what I've got so far:

Garlic Clouds (little savory puff pastries, and they are heavenly, indeed) to go with this pendant

A really lovely Vanilla Cinnamon cupcake for this one. There's a lot of butter involved, so you'll need to be brave. ;)

One of my favorite Thai lettuce wrap recipes, with just a touch of heat, for these Chile Pepper earrings.
All of the recipes are my originals, or my variations on something I've discovered while wandering through my frighteningly large cookbook collection. More to come!